The Great Fitness Industry Con
Do you want to learn a few quick and easy exercise and training formulas that personal trainers and coaches don’t want you to know? Are you confused about all the conflicting information that you hear from people in the fitness industry or would like to know the basic facts of what really works? Maybe you’ve spent hundreds if not thousands on personal training and coaching only to find that you are not getting the results that you were promised? If the answer is yes, then please read on.
Working as a one-to-one personal trainer and sports massage therapist for over 12yrs, I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen personal trainers and coaches over train their clients. This has caused them to have multiple health problems such as hormonal imbalances, serious injuries and even near death experiences. I’ve seen personal trainers with no qualifications no insurance training & rehabilitating clients with serious injuries and health problems. These clients are bankers, lawyers and health professionals and they have no idea that this is happening.
This problem is wide spread and all across most of the world and the reason that this is occurring is that the fitness industry is not regulated and there is too much information available to the public. This is not necessarily a bad thing but it can lead to unsubstantiated claims from people within the fitness industry that are based on pseudo-science, with insecure men and women being targeted.
The truth is that you don’t have to be in a gym to reach your goals, you don’t need to take advice from under qualified personal trainers, coaches or anybody else from the fitness industry that claim to have the answers. What you need is a clear, simple and concise way of training based on science and research. What you need is a formula that will teach you how to train where ever you are, with or without equipment
Whether it’s online or one-to-one training you need, with my programmes you don’t just do exercises; you will also learn to have the confidence to train on your own. You will also save hundreds, if not thousands of pounds you would have been spending on personal trainers, coaches and gym fees. With over 12yrs experience working within the health and fitness industry, my training programme will not only give you the results you desire but you will also learn the reasons why you are doing the exercises. So it doesn’t matter if you are at home, in a park, in a gym or on a beach. Or whether or not you have any gym equipment, if you train with me then you can train anywhere.
Sale prices start from as little as £35 per session. For more details contact me today and pick a price plan that works best for you.